Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Chris...uh, Im too late for that!

By two days, Im too late to wish all of you guys a Merry Christmas.  It was a beautiful Christmas in the Ozarks, but it is now time to get back to the grind.  We are sitting at the dock of our pickup in The Rock, Georgia at Quad Graphics.  Gonna head out West to California with this load.  Gonna be the only one for this pay period, so its gonna be tight this week with very little money.  But, I'll survive.  I always do.

This is a short one, but I did want to post something.  So, HAPPY NEW YEAR, everyone!

More later!


Unknown said...

Where in California are you delivering?

PrimeTime said...

LA then frisco

Mark Krusen said...

Safe driving to all, and have a safe and Happy New Year.
Mr and Mrs Justa :)

PrimeTime said...

thanks Mr and Mrs Justa! Just finished reading your Christmas post. Inspiring is what you are!